2019 Perth Cardiovascular Research Symposium

The 2019 Symposium is a free of charge event open to all Western Australian Cardiovascular Researchers. The participation of WA Cardiovascular researchers during the workshop is key to designing an inclusive research action plan.


Featuring Professor Burns Blaxall, from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, as the Plenary Speaker. There will also be a workshop “Attracting investment and building CV research in WA” drawing on the success of New South Wales and Victorian researchers. Panellists will include the Chief Scientist of WA, Professor Peter Klinken, and WAHTN Executive Director, Professor Gary Geelhoed.


Click here to register your attendance

Contact: Livia Hool

Date: Tuesday, March 5 2019

Time: 0830- 1700

Location: School of Human Sciences, The University of WA, Seminar Room 1.81, First Floor, Anatomy Building